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A Host's Concern

Dedicating this to fellow site owners. You know who you are...
(Jayne, Funn, Rita, Asia, Range, Koecharmaine, Alicechen etc).


每天,都很勤奋地...... 来版里扫垃圾贴......
Everyday diligently cleans up the forum and posts...

The heart is full of joy when there's reply to the post

辛苦发的贴子只有人看,没人回~~ 着急啊
When there's no reply, only silent readers, become anxious~

有时被笑有时被骂..... 世界也会变得灰灰的......
When being ridiculed and scolded... the world turned dreary...

嘿嘿~ 其实Wo也是很厉害的~~
Hehe... But I'm actually very powerful!

嘿嘿~ 我会变成的恶魔~~~ 我删我删.....
I can turn into a Devil... I delete, I delete~

偶尔,也客串天使的角色~~~~ 加精
Occasionally, I can be an Angel... encourage~

每日坐电脑前不停地吃…… 虽然会肥…… 但是…… 忍不住
Everyday sat in front of the computer, eating non-stop. Though will turn fat, but still couldn't resist~

吃五谷杂粮,怎能不生病…… 唉~ 难受…… 但是心里惦记的还是吧上的事情………
A eating habit like this, will definitely fall sick... Oh, how unbearable... But the heart is still worried about the site...

This cute chinese article originate from Kevin Cheng baidu forum.


  1. Anonymous10:05 am

    This is soooooo cute.
    Actually, this is also the "voice of the heart" from us, blog and forum frequent inhabitants. We come here diligently every day, looking for news of our idols. We jump with joy to see news of our idols. We are down with the blues when we found nothing. We eagerly awaits replies to our posts and comments. Yeah, so there, you guys are not that lonely. :P

    Anyways, happy to know you guys!

  2. Wow, this is real cute....

    While I am reading it. I just feel the same way as the fatty, lol...

    Nice comic story....

  3. Freddy, how come you never updated your blog anymore?

    p.s. still in midst of translating iFeel mag

  4. Anonymous2:12 am

    Hi Sehseh, I just saw your post on website owners...ah, it's true to the core.

    Most of the time, I come home and switch the computer on, reading all the new comments left by readers. I think the joy of keeping sites such as a blog and forum is the interaction with visitors. :)

    Yes and I eat in front of the computer while surfing the net too.... Somedays, it's really hard, especially with a long translation piece. :(

    I really admire diligent website owners like you, especially your committal to post everything Charmaine related. There are definitely tough days which everyone has and prevents us from updating our site with fresh content.

    You sound happier today, things are better at work?

  5. I agree with Jayne. You do sound happier :). Hope you are!

  6. Thanks for your concern. Yeah, my day brightened a little when I saw this post, so I just want to share with you all.


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