Charmaine Sheh shows off silky hair
[The Sun 30/11/2007]
Charmaine Sheh who is recently busy filming TVB new series [Forensic Heroes 2] was spotted filming outdoor scenes outside Tsim Sha Tsui’s Hong Kong Cultural Centre at midnight yesterday, attracting a crowd of passer-by. When rehearsing their scripts, Charmaine was so absorbed in the scripts that she keeps moving her hand. She didn't pay notice to the crowd and often strokes her hair. In between takes several fans came forward and asked for her autograph which Charmaine happily obliges. She even chatted awhile with them. When approached by reporters, Charmaine said: "I am filming [FH2] with Frankie."
While Charmaine chatted with fans, Frankie sat and rested on his private chair. At one time he noticed two housewives fans taking his pictures with their handphones, though he remained seated he still flashed a smile at them.
If reposted, please give due credit. Haha.. Charmaine's hair is so silky soft, even herself can't resist touching it. This hairstyle suit her the best.
On a sidenote, Jordan treated the WTA cast to a steamboat dinner last night but Charmaine and Suki didn't attend because they are busy filming. Jordan mentioned that they will have a party to watch the finale of WTA coming Saturday night.
p.s. Earlier today, cbox has gone haywire so I temporarily locked it. Now it's ok to post again - but just in case you encounter error while posting, try refreshing the cbox first to see if your message have successfully posted or not to avoid spamming the cbox. Thanks!
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