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Charmaine updated her personal blog!


  1. Anonymous10:23 am

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous10:24 am

    Very Happy!!!!!

    Going back home feels good …..

    I finally finished all my work, flew back to Hawaii to visit my mom

    And I can see my cutie---My dog

    Does it look cute?

    First I'll let you see some pictures
    Sun, Beach, with my everyday

    Of course I will wear a hat to block the sun

    If I am too dark, I'm scared it will be very hard to put on make-up and continue working when I get back

    The most happy thing is I can drive my sweet car everywhere, really happy
    Can't resist on making silly faces in the car…..haha

    But I go to on the net to see your comments

    Let's keep in touch

  3. thanks for the translation F.B.I., im so happy for her and i almost forgot she has a really nice mercedes benz which im sure she's enjoying right now. again, thankyou for the translation i miss hearing about her.

  4. Thank you , F.B.I !!! ^^ !!!


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