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Congratulations to Roger & Cindy

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July 22nd, 2006

Full news translation at Em's...


  1. Lovely picture. Amazing that even with the papparazzi in HK they managed a high profile wedding (I mean Disneyland!) in such secrecy. Hmm Disneyland...famous for that carriage type wedding. I wonder did they sit on one? Where are the guests? The other pictures?

    A very fairytale wedding if I may say so. But why so secret? Invite the press and fans I say! Celebrate together!

  2. I think there no pics of the guests because they're mostly family and relatives. After all, it was a surprise wedding and they didn't invite their TVB co-workers.

    But I'm really amazed they manage to keep it under wraps. No one leaked the news! I wonder if they sent invitation to the press last minute.

    Thinking of it, curious why Disneyland agreed for such low profile event. I mean, having celebrity wedding is a good opportunity to publicize Disneyland. Compared to other celebs wedding, their's too normal :P

    Read from today news that in a recent phone interview, Roger said his rumor with Charmaine is one of the reason he wanted to get married sooner, apart from wanting to have kids (biological clock ticking too loud?).

    Yikes, why drag Charm into this? :(

  3. His biological clock or Cindy's biological clock? Men can have echildren even when they're 100!

    In a way this may help ease Charm's rumours with him. Or maybe is he actually saying Cindy wants to get married with him fast so as to book him first? Like I said if he and charm is really dating they would have dated a long long time ago.

  4. Yes, men can still have children when they're 100 yrs old, but who'd want to? Can't barely walk at your kid's graduation ceremony.

    Abt the Charmaine rumor, of course there's nothing btwn them. If not sure dated many years ago. Maybe some nosy relatives urging him to get married soon to dispel rumor.


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