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Sleepy cat

Warning: Sharp claws. Disturb at your own risk.

It's been two days since I posted any real updates. Sorry, I was pretty busy these days. I've been working OT for a few days in a row. Plus, I have to come in early today (7am) to get some urgent paperwork done. Now, my eyes are disobeying me. They're like heavy curtains.

I meant post BTC episode 7-8 today and yet I forgot about it last night as I was too tired.

I need a cuppa caffeine, NOW!


  1. Anonymous7:34 pm

    is that your cat? it's cute!

  2. Anonymous8:42 am

    errrrrrr sorrie but me no like CATS and of course ANIMALS!!!

  3. Nope, not my cat... just thought that the pic is cute - (i'm the sleepy cat :P )


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