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Whoa! Kissing scene in LWOLAP


  1. Anonymous2:01 pm

    Hot hot hot!
    Just can't wait to see the series - Charmaine looks absolutely gorgeous in the series. and yes, I am like sehseh too, I love ancient wusha series!!

  2. Anonymous1:52 am

    WOW!!!! so sorry for raymond!!! why can't they have a more gentle kiss!!!! geezzzz!!! can't wait!!

  3. Anonymous9:06 am

    kiss looks like it was Derek, he has the blue costume. That much be why Charmaine slapped him.

  4. It's Ray's costume. I'm positive it's him. So I guess we have to wait till the series come out.

    That much be why Charmaine slapped him.

    Erm...I guess any guy who forcefully kisses a girl deserved a slap.


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