Charmaine sports a short hairstyle for Always on Standby sehseh20 years agomore pics: (click to enlarge) Ekin Cheng and Charmaine Sheh were filming scenes for "Always on Standby" yesterday, and Charmaine c... 3 Comments 1 minuteRead
Exclusive - Charmaine interview in MyWedding sehseh20 years agoA big thanks to Yen who scanned the mag exclusively for me Note: I spent the whole night in front of my pc; peering into the mag scans to ty... 4 Comments Less than a minuteRead
Strike At Heart recap sehseh20 years agoCharmaine Sheh - Siu Keng Siu Keng to Thirteen Forgive me I gave you my body, yet denied you of my heart. Your embrace made me feel guilty Y... 0 Comments 1 minuteRead