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Clip 1: 美人计 Beauty scheme

Clip 2: 调虎离山计 Luring the tiger out of the mountains

The cute animation clips above are created by Zhejiang TV to promote [Beyond the Realm of Conscience] vs World Cup which is currently airing at their late night slot, hence the slogan "男人的世界杯,女人的 《宫心计》".

Please credit ZTV (Zhejiang TV) and me if reposted. Thank you.


  1. Ha ha.... I saw this on :) The anime is so cute! :D

  2. hyn5, these are clear individual versions. I already posted these animations clip a few days ago in previous post, but they're not so high quality and came attached with interviews, ads etc.

    And for the record, I didn't get this high resolution clip from :P


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