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Charmaine Sheh being stalked by reporters

[29/05/2009 Sehseh's Blog Daily]

[Beyond the Realm of Conscience] have just wrapped up filming and one of its leading actress, Charmaine Sheh is currently taking a holiday break till September.

Fearing that they will become another pathetic figure in HK unemployment statistic without juicy gossips of Charmaine, the paparazzi and reporters relentlessly stalk her as soon as she step out from her home in North Point. This morning, Sehseh's Blog Daily noticed a news report from Singtao about Charmaine in Causeway Bay, detailing down to the drinks she purchased.

If drinking papaya milk means desiring breast endowment, then perhaps Singtao reporters should consume more pig brains. Like they said themselves: 以形补形.

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