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Dance of Passion premiere tonight at IFC


TVB's Dance of Passion grand premiere will be held tonight 7.40pm at IFC.

Wow, can you feel the excitement already? Can't wait for May 1st! We can expect a lot of pictures and news coverage tomorrow.

p.s. I would like to apologize abt MNKSS OST. I already fixed the link so you guys/gals can start downloading the fantastic soundtracks now :)


  1. Anonymous12:45 pm

    Hey sehseh,
    okay i have to ask you this question. because it just popped in my head. in the LWOLAP series. rememeber how bosco got 40 year martial arts from the old guy, and the guy's death wish was for bosco to give this little statue he carved to his wife and say 'sorry' to her. did bosco do it? and if so who was the wife? sorry. i have this thing and just need to know.^^ thanks.

  2. Spoilers...

    Yes, he did. The wife is Sherming Yiu.


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