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Frowns turned into smiles

Time for some tabloid news! My translation:

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TVB actress Charmaine Sheh recently injured her waist; therefore she received special treatment while filming new series "Always on Standby". However, she was in a bad mood throughout filming.

The weather on that day was hot, yet Charmaine had to wear thick clothing as they were filming winter scenes. Due to the unbearable weather and repeated NGs, Charmaine began to show her displeasure. Luckily, her partner for the scene is the handsome Ekin; therefore her frowns quickly vanished into smiles. Before leaving she tugged at Ekin's hand to say goodbye, causing him to feel stunned.

The crew scheduled the outdoor filming around 8pm to film romantic scenes between Charmaine and Ekin. Seeing Charmaine haven't arrived yet, Ekin grabbed a bite in the car while waiting for her. She arrived nearly an hour later in her Benz with a female assistant TVB specially assigned by TVB and went into the washroom at nearby.

The temperature has risen around 30 degree Celsius, and still they have to film winter scenes. Charmaine who is wearing thick clothes hid in the air-conditioned van while rehearsing the scripts with Ekin. When the filming begins, Charmaine was sweating all over and had to keep re-applying her makeup. Her bad mood seems to fade when Ekin appeared; she even used her hands as a fan for Ekin, making him smile.

The prevent Charmaine from hurting her back again, the crew arranged the romantic scenes to be filmed in the last 15 mins. The story is about them recollecting their sweet memories after the cake they were holding fell onto the ground. Charmaine and Ekin then rekindle their old romance in the crowd. The scenes were simple for Charmaine, but the extras kept messing up, causing NGs over and over again. Under the hot condition and with back pains, Charmaine was displeased with the slow progress. The filming finally finished after another hour.

Seeing Charmaine in a bad mood, everyone was cautious with their actions, not knowing her mood has already brightened up. Before leaving Charmaine even held Ekin's hand and said goodbye. Ekin was surprised and took two steps backward, creating a brief awkwardness.

credit to GsusNL for pics and chinese article


  1. Anonymous12:20 pm

    Wow! Interesting News... =) Seh Seh, thanks for posting the news. Do you mind if I re-post this piece of News into my site? Credits will be given to you for the translation. XD (It's such a long time since the last news of Charmaine)

    If you would like to visit my site, here's the URL:


  2. Sure no problem :)


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