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Clarification regarding the contest

Regarding the theme of the template, you can choose ANY kind of design you feel will reflect the image of my blog. You don't need to use black or even Charmaine as the theme. Just go with your instinct :)

If you have any questions, I will be more than happy to help you. Just drop me an email at or via shoutbox, but make sure to include your email addy as well because I'm having trouble posting in shoutbox using my office pc.

While we are at it, I'm considering changing the shoutbox to tagboard since I'm able to post comment using tagboard at tvbspacenews. Is there any good recommendation?

p.s. You can submit as many as you want, if you are feeling extra creative. :)


  1. Hey! Shout Box IS tagboard but different brand only. For tagboard, as in you need to pay to have archives dn all. Shout Box so far is highly configurable and free and has archives from day 1. How come you can't post?

  2. the problem is, I can't post in shoutbox (whether at my blog or at your site) using my work pc. Strange thing is i can post on tagboards. I've tried changing briefly to tagboard yesterday, and it works but darn tagboard sure look big and clumsy. shoutbox design is more slim and nice. plus i will miss the previous comments others left for me :)

  3. Sehseh, I think the best way to solve this problem is to email the people at Shoutbox, detailing your problem as well as the PC/browser you're using and see what they say. Could be your browser there, who knows? Tagboard is fine, not much configuration in the free version but could be adjusted. But Shoutbox is the best.

  4. I know something is wrong with my work pc browser. Sigh~ maybe I'd just settle replying the shoutbox on the weekend as I will go online at cyber cafe and the shoutbox work fine there.


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